Puppy Resources
Puppy housetraining guide
Bringing home a new puppy is exciting, but house training can feel overwhelming at first. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are the keys to success in teaching your puppy where and when it’s appropriate to do their business. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started on the right paw!
Vaccine Allergic Reactions in Dogs and Cats
With vaccination commonly recommended annually, most pet owners are accustomed to taking their pets to the vet for "yearly shots." It seems such a commonplace part of routine pet care that many people do not think about what is actually occurring within their pet's body.
Spaying your Female Dog
Surgical sterilization of the female dog, commonly referred to as spaying, is one of the most significant aspects of female dog care an owner can provide. The benefits to the dog far outweigh simply not having puppies, though as pet over-population looms as a societal problem, it is important to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Rabies in Animals
Descriptions of rabies go back thousands of years as rabies has classically been one of the most feared infections of all time. It is caused by a bullet-shaped rhabdovirus that is relatively unstable in the environment; establishing infection requires direct contact with infected mucous membranes.
Socialization tips for puppy owners
Even though dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, each new puppy that comes into our world must learn about humans. Socialization is the process during which puppies develop positive relationships with other living beings. The most sensitive period for successful socialization is during the fi rst 3 – 4 months of life.
Parvovirus: Vaccination and Prevention
It should not be too surprising that the biggest step in preventing parvovirus is vaccination. As discussed in other sections, the virus exists virtually everywhere. It is hardy in the environment and easily carried on the surfaces of inanimate objects. Every dog will be exposed and every puppy will be vulnerable at least for a time. Prevention is about minimizing exposure to the virus until the vaccination series is completed. We will discussing how to go about achieving immunity for your puppy.
Infants, children, and dogs
Preparation for a good relationship between the pet and children begins when the dog is a puppy. To accomplish this, there should be frequent opportunities for the young pup to meet children during its early months of life. In fact, up to 3 months of age, puppies are most social, and the experiences they have and the people they meet at this age can make a lifelong impression.
Keeping your Pet Healthy and Happy
What our pets want more than anything else is to be with us. While they are just one part of our lives, we are their entire lives. Young or old, they measure their lives in time spent with us vs. time spent without us. Other than spending time with them, how can you ensure that your pet - the one who shares your home and heart - remains as happy and healthy as possible? What's needed besides lots of love and time?
Neutering your Male Dog
Aside from helping control the current overpopulation of dogs, neutering a pet dog generally makes for a healthier dog and a better pet. Neutered dogs tend to live longer and have fewer behavior problems.